5 Ways to Achieve Your Goals in 2021

5 Ways to Achieve Your Goals in 2021


1. Set Obtainable Goals

We’re not saying we don’t want your goals to be a challenge, but you want to ensure they are obtainable! There is nothing worse then setting your goals to high and never reaching them.

To do this think of your goals as stepping stones, each small achievement towards your overall vision of the life you want to live! Like we said, your goals are your stepping stones, not your end game!

When you have a goal established, set short term goals to motivate to the bigger picture. Break down the big idea into pieces to make it more manageable. Check out our 2021 Goal Setting Worksheet to help you with this!

2. Set Goals for Each Aspect of Your Life

You wouldn’t put all your eggs in one basket, now would you? The same concept goes for your goals. When you’re laying out your goals break then up into life categories; I.e. personal, family, career etc. whatever is applicable to you and your life.

If one path or goal isn’t playing out the way you expected, this gives you flexibility to redirect your attention to another category and your other goals.

3. Use Your Achievements as Motivation

Each time you achieve a goal, big or small, celebrate it! These wins in the areas of your life that you love is your biggest superpower! They can encourage you to focus on achieving that feeling in more areas of your life, helping you move forward.

BUT, remember …a failed effort when trying to achieve your goal is NEVER a waste of time; it is a lesson. Moving you forward to readjust, reassess and ultimately move, you guessed it, closer to your goals.


4. Re-Evaluating Does Not Mean Defeat

Situations changes, things happen, PRIORITIES shift, that’s life. With these changes, embrace the opportunity to re-adjust your goals. Keep yourself motivated by keeping your goals *ACHIEVABLE in your current situation(s).


5. The Sky is the Limit

As you set your stepping stones INSERT GOALS HERE, you are working towards a bigger picture. DREAM; put it down on paper, and let go of your limiting beliefs. The bigger picture may shift and change over time, but it’s always there. You will get there, and ultimately further than you ever could have imaged. Just take one day at a time.



To help you PLAN to achieve your GOALS we’ve created a FREE DOWNLOADABLE  2021 Goal Setting guide! We would love to know what YOUR goals are for 2021, complete the worksheet and tag us @loop.lifestyle ! <3

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