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Part 2: iOS14 Home Screen Tutorial Adding Widget Smith

Did you catch Trisha's Part 1: iOS14 Home Screen Tutorial? If not, start there first!
Now that you have your home screen set up; add you're own personal flare with widget smith!
Step One: Getting Set Up
Download widget smith. You're going to go to your app store type in widget smith and download it. Once you've done that you will see there are various options and sizes to choose form: your small widgets, your medium widgets, as well as your larger.
Step Two: Customization
To get the look and feel that you want I suggest you find some online and, in the photos or quotes etc. that you'll want to add to your home screens first because that makes it a bit easier.
As you can see in the video, I have medium to small two small ones, a large one medium, and then a large and, a small, so that was just to get the idea there.
Next, you're going to make everything wiggle. You can hit the plus sign.
You're going to scroll all the way down to widget smith. You can add a small, medium or large. So let's go ahead and add a small one.
You can go right into it and edit the widget. So based on what you've uploaded in your widget smith app, that's how you can change what you're going through here. So you can rename them different things like that, that's how I got that photo.
You can go right into it and edit the widget. So based on what you've uploaded in your widget smith app, that's how you can change what you're going through here. So you can rename them different things like that, that's how I got that photo.
If I want to go into widget smith, you can see that I've named a couple (in video). Add a small widget, you click on the widget, default widget. We want to change it.
So there's different styles here for your time or location. You can do the date, you can do a calendar, then you can get into custom. So you can get custom photo, or photo with a day and the date on it.
You can add some custom texts in there, if you like, or just have it blank. You can actually post a whole album and it will slide through them as well. You can change the font, the color, the background color, just to fit, whatever works best with your phone.
Alrighty. So that's it for that. It's the same process for adding and customization for a small one, medium one etc. It's all the same.
Step Three: Adding to Your Screen
And you just add them to your home screen by clicking plus all the way down to widget smith out of widget! There we go, it's as simple as that!